National Exhibition of Canine Mocejón (Toledo) 2014

Things Heat!!!!! in a park at 30 ° in the shade!!
Fuimos con CH Esp TLK Dreamworks in Space Star, wearing long without going expo, TLK Blaze Star Scarlett and little frenchie Sade Vagu of Cervera.
We went well although we expected more with Dream .. The results have been

CH Esp TLK Dreamworks in Space Star: Exc 1 Rappel of CAC Best of Breed
TLK Scarlett Blaze Star: Exc 1º CAC BOS

Judge Rafael Espigares

and our little French Bulldog, Sade Vagu Cervera EXC 1 CAC BOB, In his first outing in the ring!!! Judge Javier Blanco.

We've had have eaten very well with Julia and Enrique and Jose Luis and Isa, we have set up snacking meats and up. It was a beautiful day picnic had it not been for that Julia has fallen and we have been harmed in a hand. I hope he recovers soon.