Davidoff is the Yakka and Junior Champion of Spain
Our Doby with CCJ obtained in this exhibition Valladolid granted the title of Junior Champion of Spain!! Estamos muy orgullosos de él 😉
Our Doby with CCJ obtained in this exhibition Valladolid granted the title of Junior Champion of Spain!! Estamos muy orgullosos de él 😉
This weekend we went to the National and International Exhibition of Valladolid 2014. I had not and were attending cuepo and fatigue at the end has noticed, but it was worth it. On Saturday we tried the Spanish Carlos Martínez the following qualifications Renau: The Lost Kigdom Malabo EXC 1 CAC BOB Davidoff of Yakka EXC 1 CCJ Sunday we judged the Canadian Marilyn Foulds with the following results: The Lost Kigdom Malabo EXC 1 CAC Davidoff of Yakka CCJ EXC 1 Best of Breed
The Lost Kingdom invites you to know our website, in which we share with you our experience and passion we feel for this attractive yet unknown race: el Chow Chow. We hope you enjoy our dogs with us and together we can discover the great secret hidden inside. Its mysterious origin, its peculiar morphology and enigmatic character, from antiquity to the present day, have captivated all who come in to have a chow life. Be satisfied with your visit if we have managed to arouse your interest in this wonderful breed. → February 19, 2014